Our Day at Seedlings
Having some kai, whether a snack or lunch is usually a social time. We choose when we need to eat, and then deciding if we'll have a picnic or sit around the table on the verandah. Cooking is also a big part of the curriculum; inspiration comes from the garden, the pantry and our puku/stomachs!
At Seedlings we honour the natural urge to play and have an environment that satisfies these urges...from tumbling, spinning, running, throwing to enclosing, connecting, transforming and making huts! Play is the natural unfolding and expression of each individual, and at Seedlings this is respected and celebrated.
A few times a week we all walk over the hill to the orchard. We take the essentials with us, as well as our bags, and set up at base camp when we arrive. Tamariki are aware of their responsibilities in this environment and know where the Big Explorers are positioned if they need support.
There is a natural rhythm to our day at Seedlings. Time and space is available for our needs to be fulfilled. Tamariki develop their self-awareness and know when they need kai, rest, to expend energy and to play.
Being in nature enables us to recognise our connection to life and that we are life. To honour this we acknowledge all life in nature and celebrate soltices, equinoxes and other important dates to families.
There is no rush or competition in our routines and rhythms of the day. Everything happens in its own time and we play together as a family. Rituals are a part of our day that brings meaning to the little things we do.